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AQUAFIL technology for Evonik

Last December Evonik started up a new plant for production of specialty copolyesters at its Witten site. The new technology ensures that specialty copolyesters can now be produced even more efficiently. To realize this project, Evonik relied on the experience and expertise of AQUAFIL Engineering.

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AQUAFIL Carpet Recycling Facility

On December 13th, 2018 – Aquafil inaugurated its first carpet-recycling facility in the States in Phoenix.
160 guests – including customers, suppliers and sustainability experts – gathered at the 116,000 square feet new building to celebrate the Grand Opening.

Aquafil’s new facility will turn each year 36 million pounds of old carpets destined for landfills back into raw material.

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AQUAFIL LBT® + DFC® Polyester Plant

AQUAFIL Engineering received the order to build a new continuous PET plant with “Low Building Technology” (LBT®) which is the newest innovation of AQUAFIL Engineering. Additionally, the plant will be equipped with “Direct Film Casting” (DFC®) technology.

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AQUAFIL LBT® + DFC® Polyester Plant

AQUAFIL Engineering received the order to build a new continuous PET plant for film applications.The plant will be the biggest one in the world (400 t/d) with the “Low Building Technology” (LBT®) which is the newest innovation of AQUAFIL Engineering. Additionally, the plant will be equipped with “Direct Film Casting” (DFC®) technology for minimum 2 film lines.

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